Beneath A Steel Clouds Porn Game incelemesi
Peter is not a hero.
He can be charming (and a little bit obnoxious), he can be gallant (and more than a little lecherous) and he can be quick-witted (or, rather, he needs to be). But he is not a hero. Because Peter is a fool.
A fool who looked for a brighter place, a better future, and found himself living on scraps and stolen goods. A fool who wanted to go beyond what his birthplace offered and found the shadows of a corporate-owned world. A fool who, for some reason or another, still tries to get a better life while clinging to his aspirations.
So, Peter is not a hero. But, for the right woman… he can fake it.
“Beneath Steel Clouds” is a life-sim set in a dystopian future with a cyberpunk aesthetic and themes but without the gritty, grim-dark tone and with a healthy dose of snark added on top. You have thirty days to get a grip on your life, earn (or get) some credits and hopefully get the girl. Get on it, chummer, things ain’t gonna solve themselves! They never do.
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