Version 0.28.1:
– Added 235 new images to the game!
– Added a new story scene aboard the prisonship! The twins finally arriving at the coms hub and answering the call from their boss…
– Added (small) epilogues/extensions to the various “key drop” traps found in-game! Instead of hooking into another fail-state these traps now have their very own, (hopefully) making them more enjoyable and distinct. The traps to which epilogues/extensions have been added are: The Mannequin Maker, Toyball, Hypno goggles (shoutout to Lu for portraying Lysi again!) (factory traps), and the plant pod, Violet statue, rubber book traps (Thornvine traps).
– Added the first part of the third “big” VR-world: Flexilis Kingdom!
– Added the hub area of the new VR-world with several new NPCs:
*A warlock called Iris Lalune, with her magic shop of curiosities! Quite a bit of new content to be found here in this update; see the sub-header below!
*A very cheerful *cough* doctor who can be found in his little apothecary!
*The guild master Thomulim Thunderfist, a battle scarred dwarf who acts as this VR-world’s quest (and general direction) giver!
– Added the exterior of the Covenant of the Ebon Rose! It can be found to the east of the castle town and has some… Interesting nuns waiting outside, eager to see Kathleen join their sisterhood! (Mainly a tease of what’s to come; covenant itself will be implemented in V0.30.1!)
Iris Lalune’s magic shop:
– Added Iris Lalune and her magical shop into the new VR-world! Besides selling a few (dubious) support items for Kat to use, she also offers her an “easy” job with getting some supplies from her basement! Problem is that the place’s covered in warding runes though, best to avoid those or else…
– Added Iris Lalune’s capture scene and escape mini-game! You’ll get into this one by bumping into one of her magical ward runes down in the basement. Revolving around miniaturization and all perils around that, it’s up to Kathleen to either trust Iris or find a way out of this mess on her own…
*Added a trap along the above escape route; a vacbed mousetrap!
*Added a special variation on the capture scene if Kathleen gets caught three times in a row; featuring a chest filled with living rubber!
– Added a fail-state for the above capture scene! Revolving heavily around miniaturization and objectification, Kathleen will be giving an in-depth look as to how those weirdly shaped dildos inside Iris her store are made… >;3
– Added the following spritework (generously) made by Fimito: Fully dressed mannequin maker sprite, Iris (warlock) sprites, vacbed mouse-trap sprites, Sister of the Ebon Rose sprites.
– Added the following self-made spritework: Mini-Kat sprites, Kat jar sprites, Street thug toy-ball sprite, boxed fuck toy sprite, “coatrack” sprite and some minor misc. stuff like adjustments to Thomulim and the town guard sprites.
– T y p o c o r r e c t i o n s (another metric shit-ton this time around; shoutout especially to DeviantRPGStuff for helping me find ‘em!)
– Replaced the Rose maid outfit in the desert and the Salon sweetie uniform (in the front) with new (way more fitting) spritework! Another big shoutout to Fimito for making these! ^^
– Restructured the traps in the recall rooms; making them feature the full experience instead of only the sprites/images: Got feedback from people that they would also like to see the text with these sprites, but I reckoned that going the extra mile and recreating the “full experience” there would be even more welcome. As such the entire experience can now also be found in the recall rooms; down the maps/locales used at the trap’s location.
– Since (most) traps are now their own little fail-states, they will be henceforth unlocked on individual basis like the big fail-states: Just like with the “big” fail-states you will need to see the scene once in-game before it’s unlocked in the recall rooms!
– Added new BGMs for Flexilis Kingdom, making the place sound like an medieval RPG adventure as well! ;3
– Removed the following plugins: JKL_PeristentData.js
-Added the following plugins: DK_Globals.js
– Replaced the previous (faulty) persistent data plugin with a new one, which hopefully will do what it’s supposed to do: Which is saving the persistent data (like unlocked fail-states and scenes in the recall rooms) and unlocking options accordingly. The previous one did a good job at this for the most part, but for some inexplicable reason refused to save switch data from time to time. The new plugin doesn’t seem to have this issue, so going forward we’ll be using this one instead. Fingers crossed.
!!! AS SUCH, OLD PERSISTENT DATA IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH VERSION V0.28.1 AND ABOVE. !!! (However a fully unlocked save is provided with this release to mitigate the annoyance caused by this; the file is called globals.rpgsave)